Congress to Consider Requiring Women to Register for the Draft
Buried amidst all the Corona virus news, a National Commission on March 24th proposed to Congress a historic change in the Selective Service System - women should legally be required to register for the draft when they turn 18.
The Commission, mandated by Congress, did not recommend activating the draft, but did propose a variety of ways to increase military recruitment. Congress will debate and decide on the recommendations most likely later this year or in 2021.
The proposal for women to register for the draft also comes just two months after the threat of war with Iran caused panic among young people of draft age. The issue of the draft is now longer just an issue of historical concern.
A number of antiwar groups are supporting a bill introduced in the House of Representatives to end registration and the draft altogether - H.R. 5492.
Read 1980's non-registrant Edward Hasbrouck's critique of the Commission's recommendations and of efforts underway to end the Selective Service System.
Read Robert Levering's in-depth article on the history that led to the end of an active draft, as the issue of women being forced to register emerges.