View the Preview Trailer and other rough cut clips, including interviews and other footage that present some of the characters in the final film. Note that not all these clips are in the finished film.
Quaker pacifist Bob Eaton talks about what led him to resist the draft and spend 3 years in federal prison to oppose the Vietnam War.
David Harris and Randy Kehler talk about their prison experiences, with footage shot secretly in prison by Christopher Colorado Jones.
Joan Baez talks about the influence of Martin Luther King and the civil rights movement on her life.
Resistance founder David Harris and former Weather Underground leader Mark Rudd in a lively exchange about violence and nonviolence, and lessons learned. (Correction on video: Harris spent 20 months in federal prison)
Former War Resisters League / West staffer Mandy Carter describes her time in Santa Rita Prison and how she was inspired by the Institute for the Study of Nonviolence.
Draft resister Randy Kehler and Daniel Ellsberg, who was influenced to release the Pentagon Papers by Randy’s willingness to go to federal prison rather than fight in Vietnam. Also featured, Joan Baez and Martin Luther King, Jr.